
Analyzing Data

This section assumes that a number of submissions have been uploaded for the City Census form by the data collectors. If this assumption is correct then the data submitted can now be analyzed using this web app.

In this walkthrough, questions would be asked of the data submitted and the steps taken to get the corresponding answers will be delineated and the graphical results presented.

Note that only the following users can carry out analysis on data submitted:

  • All active Admin users with the View Data role set.

  • All active users with the Analyst designation if the form is not assigned to a team.

  • All active users with the Analyst designation that belong to the same team as the form if the form is assigned to a team.

See Manage Users for more information on user privileges, roles and team assignment. Also see Manage Forms for information on restricting form access to members of a specific team. Finally, the Data Analysis page gives directions on how to query form data.

Slide 1


Analysis question: What is the highest city population in 1950 on each continent?

(1) On the Dashboard click on Data Analysis -> Aggregates/Chart Based Analysis menu.

(2) Select the City Census form from the Primary Form dropdown box.

(3) The Secondary Form dropdown box is for instances where an analyst wants to carry out analysis on two or more forms that share fields that are of the same name and type. In such scenarios the other form names should be selected in this dropdown box. This is not required in this example so leave it blank.

(4) In the Group By Field drop down box select the Continent field.

(5) Click on the Count (Population 1950) link in the Form Fields section to reveal the dialog box shown in the image above.

(6) Select Maximum and click the Save button.

(7) Continue on the next slide.

Slide 2


(1) Check the Maximum (Population 1950) field in the Form Fields section.

(2) Click on the Bar Chart icon to reveal the data as a bar chart as depicted in the image above.

(3) Place your pointer cursor on any of the bars to see the exact figure representing the highest city population in 1950 grouped according to continents.

(4) Continue on the next slide.

Slide 3


This is the same query executed in the previous slide, only this time the data is presented as a Pie chart.

Slide 4


Analysis question: What are the standard deviations for the population in the year 2000 for all cities surveyed in South America? Group this result by countries.

(1) With the City Census form selected, click on the Count (Population 2000) link in the Form Fields section. In the dialog box presented select Stdev and click save.

(2) Check the Stdev (Population 2000) field in the Form Fields section.

(3) Click on the Filter icon.

(4) In the dialog box presented, select Continent in the -Select filter field- dropdown box.

(5) In the - Select Filter Operator - dropdown box select =.

(6) In the Select Single Option dropdown box select South America.

(7) Click Add Filter and then close the filter dialog box.

(8) Continue on the next slide.

Slide 5


Click on Pie Chart to present the data as shown above. We can see that “Peru” as a country has a standard deviation of ~4,539 for all its cities surveyed.

Continue on the next slide.

Slide 6


This is the same query executed in the last slide. The only difference is that the data is presented as a table. Notice from the table that Paraguay and Uruguay do not have standard deviation values associated with them. This was simply as a result of the fact that our dummy data only contains survey data for one city each for these countries.

Continue on the next slide.

Slide 7


This is the same data discussed in the last slide presented as a line chart.

Slide 8


This is an area chart presentation of the data of the last slide.

Note that beyond presenting this data as charts, the analyst can also download this data in the JSON format by clicking the More -> Download as JSON menu shown above. To get the data as an Excel file the analyst should click on the More -> Download as Excel menu to get instructions on how this is done. See this section for an example on how to convert the downloaded data to the Excel format.

Slide 9


Analysis question: What are the population count in 1950 and 2000 and the projected population count for the year 2050 for each city surveyed in France?

(1) Click on the Filter icon.

(2) In the dialog box presented clear any previously added filters if they exist.

(3) Select Country in the -Select form field- dropdown box.

(4) In the -Select Filter Operator - dropdown box select =.

(5) In the -Select Single Option - dropdown box select France.

(6) Click Add Filter and then close the filter dialog box.

(7) Continue on the next slide.

Slide 10


(1) In the Form Fields section click on the Population 1950, Population 2000 and Population 2050 links and change these to Sum (Population 1950), Sum (Population 2000) and Sum (Population 2050), respectively.

(2) Check these fields as shown in the image above.

(3) Click on the “Bar Chart” icon to reveal the graph similar to that shown in the image.

(4) Continue on the next slide.

Slide 11


Analysis question: How many cities where surveyed on each continent?

(1) With the City Census form selected, select the Continent field in the Group By Field drop down box.

(2) Check the Count (City) field in the Form Fields section.

(3) Ensure that there aren’t any filters set.

(4) Click on the Bar Chart icon to reveal the chart shown in the image above.

(5) Continue on the next slide.

Slide 12


Analysis Question: What are the locations of cities surveyed in Nigeria? Caption these locations with the city name and its population count in 1950.

(1) From the Dashboard select Data Analysis -> Map Based Analysis.

(2) Select the City Census form in the Primary Form dropdown box.

(3) In the - Select Annotation field - dropdown box select the City and Population 1950 fields.

(4) In the Colour By dropdown box select the City to ensure that location marker for each city is different.

(5) Click on the Get Locations icon.

(6) Click on the marker for each location to reveal the city name and population count in 1950.

(7) The web app settings are configured such that location data is returned in groups of 30. To get the next 30 locations click on the Next Page button. To get the previous 30 locations click on the Prev. Page button.

(8) This lesson is now complete.