

The CCA System REST API service provides endpoints which allow developers to integrate the data collection and data query capabilities of CCA within desired third party applications/products.


An API token is required to use this REST service. This token is generated or retrieved by the account manager through the Manage Account -> View/Generate API Token menu item. Note that if an API token already exist, clicking the Generate API token button depicted in the image above will create a new API token which automatically invalidates the previous token. The API Call Count is the number of API calls made so far on the account and the API Call Cap is the maximum number of API calls allowed for the account.

Examples on how this REST service is used are grouped under the following sections;

The available API end points for this REST service are as shown in the table below;

API End Points and Description

Method End Point Description

Each REST request will return in its response any one of the status codes and associated status messages listed in the table below.

API Response Codes and Meaning

Status Code Description

Click here to see a demonstration of authenticating the client to the REST service.