
Collecting Data

The slides on this page describe the process of downloading, filling out and submitting the "Secret Ballot Form" using the CCA Mobile app.

Note that only the users with the following designations can upload submissions using the CCA Mobile app:

  • All active Admin users with the Send Data role set.

  • All active users with the CollectR or XCollect designations if the form is not assigned to a team.

  • All active users with the CollectR or XCollect designations that belong to a team if the form is assigned to one.

See Manage Users for more information on user privileges, roles and team assignment. Also see Manage Forms for information on restricting form access to members of a specific team.

Slide 1


(1) Click on the CCA Mobile app on your Android device.

(2) On the home screen shown above click on the Settings button.

(3) Continue on the next slide.

Slide 2


(1) On the settings page ensure that the user name and password are set to the corresponding credentials sent to your email address or passed to you by your organization’s administrator if your designation is XCollect.

(2) Ensure that the value in the Domain Name text box is

(3) Click the back button and go to the next slide.

Slide 3


(1) On the home screen (See photo in Slide 1) click the Forms button.

(2) With the device connected to the Internet, click the Get Form From Server list item.

(3) Select the "Secret Ballot Form" form from the list of forms returned.

(4) Click on the download icon at the bottom of the screen.

(5) Continue on the next slide.

Slide 4


(1) Press and hold down the "Secret Ballot Form" on the list.

(2) Click on Fill From in menu.

(3) Select the "Secret Ballot Form" form from the list of forms returned.

(4) Continue on the next slide.

Slide 5


(1) Swipe left to begin to fill the form.

(2) Continue on the next slide.

Slide 6


(1) Enter the Email address of the candidate.

(2) Swipe left.

(3) Continue on the next slide.

Slide 7


(1) Enter the Vote points for the candidate.

(2) Swipe left.

(3) Continue on the next slide.

Slide 8


Enter the name of this completed form submission. Note that this is optional. A data collector can now save the form. If the collector wishes to fill another form he or she should click on the Save and Continue button, otherwise click on the Save and Exit button. Submissions for forms such as this usually take longer to be saved, as the completed form needs to be encrypted before being saved to the device.

Slide 9


If the user is done collecting data and if the user is in a location where there is a data connection the user can follow the steps below to submit the data to the server.

(1) On the home screen click the Upload button.

(2) Click on the "Secret Ballot Form" in the list of forms displayed.

(3) Select all the forms you’d like to submit.

(4) Click on the Upload button at the bottom of the screen. This button is circled in the image above.

This lesson is now complete. For more information on how to delete forms, view completed or incomplete forms on the Android device see these FAQs